You would think if something is named American hybrid it most definitely comes from the US. However, the history plays a great trick on us here and delving into it is very important the evolution of a very important breeding line in the paphiopedilum orchids. Recalling, as we know the breeding of paphiopedilum hybrids was at its peak in the XIX century, however, the first great stop was caused by the World War I. The destruction that raged across the continent forced the people to have special safety procedures in place. At the outbreak of World War II, curators of museums across Europe scrambled to pack up their priceless artworks, artifacts, and prized collections to protect them from potential harm. Meanwhile, botanists in Europe were also pondering ways to preserve rare and precious plants as conservatories and greenhouses were being torn down for scrap metal, with the further recollection how they were simply destroyed and burned during the invasion. Plant hybridizers in Gr...
Spending my free time in mastering the difficult (let's be honest) art of growing orchids, as well as trying to share my knowledge to people around me in the United Kingdom and further.