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Showing posts from May, 2019

Vanda Robert's delight in bloom

Vanda orchids always seemed like the tricky kind to me. Absolutely beautiful, obviously not compact, at the same time a bit awkward to grow and very confusing. Here in the UK growing Vanda orchids doesn't seem like the obvious choice, the weather can be patchy and unpredictable. Full sun is hard to come by, nobody is going to hang a plant outside in the summer, and there is as I thought, too much possible complications. But, obviously I was wrong I despise all this I bought a Vanda, a blue one, wonderful colour. It grew well, bigger and bigger. I found a solution for growing, a glass juice jar and a sunny windowsill. But, truly you won't know if all of this is good enough till the plant pits out a flower spike, and so it did. It's such a hefty and wonderful plant. You can see the rest here:

Phaleonopsis KS Happy eagle X Princess Kailuani in bloom

Oh my, my look what is blooming for me right now and I can't take my eyes of it! Beautiful phaleonopsis hybrid phal. KS Happy eagle X phal. Princess Kailuani. This is such a lovely and unique hybrid, the colours are out of this world vibrant and radiant. As you can imagine it's a fairly easy warm growing plant, which I'm growing in Semi hydroponics and it seems to be enjoying it very much. What's not to love? It's stunning. Here is a video from my YouTube channel for you to see.