I'm a bit of a snob, truly. I like my hybrids with a name, unless there is something i picked up at random and I failed miserably to discover it's name - then it's OK. But in this case i purposely went to Orchideen Wichmann, one of my favorite German orchid nurseries to find something special for myself for Christmas. And indeed I have, this compact beauty which name's a mouthful is a result of very successful hybridization from the old hybrids. The exact hybrids are Paphiopedilum Lancer, Paphiopedilum Blagrose and famous Paphiopedilum Winston Churchill "Redoutable" The hybrid lost the spotting but it gained the magnificent waterfall pattern on the dorsal pouch and deep deep magenta/purple color. The size of the flower is descent and sits in almost 7 wide and 6 inches high. I say almost as I am sure some results of the same cross may be bigger or smaller, the magic of paphiopedilum crossing and not cloning. As I have mentioned earlier this is a compact...