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Showing posts from June, 2018

The Wonderful World of Encyclias

For a very, very long time I had only concentrated on growing one genus of orchids: Paphiopedilum, but then I kind of made some room for Phragmipedium. Other type of orchids were just not my cup of tea you see, and some of the reasons were quite trivial, cattleyas because I couldn't get them to bloom, phalaeonopsis, well because everyone had them and they just lost the wow factor for me. There were other like cycnodes, which I completely don't like and i find the whole rest routine a massive pain in my spine. And also oncidium because the ones available near me were just meh ugly, and my poor Aliceara was having a hard non blooming time. But then we moved, to a nicer house, with more room. In the January of this year i made a super special effort to get the cattleya to bloom because it was a gift from my other half so i decided I really have to. The results were spectacular, so I got adventurous. As I said, I made some room for phragmipedium. Suddenly I found an oncidium ...