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Showing posts from June, 2019

Phalaenopsis Frontera

Sometimes, very rarely you can find a real gem in your standard boring plant nursery or supermarket. One of these gem's is Phalaenopsis Frontera, which is an absolute marvelous plant. Usually when growers manipulate the plant genes the results can be plain boring, or just a massive mish mash of all the colours and patterns you can find, some of them just being plain horrible and I have seen plants that their colours because of the bad cross, looking like a mix of ketchup and mustard - yes, that's a bad colour on a plant. Unfortunatelly for this beautiful it's very hard to find any information on when it was registered and released to public trade. However, the plant has a lot of rare and beautiful qualities. Firstly, it's very vigorous and it blooms with long and flower heavy spikes. The flowers can also carry a sweet honey fragrance it the plant is happy. As a typical complex Phalaenopsis hybrid its very easy to care for taking intermediate home temp...

For the love of Pebbles - Now on Youtube

Hi Everyone. For those of you who aren't comfortable in reading off the screen and just want to see and listen to stuff I made a Youtube Video on the topic of semi hydroponics. I hope you will enjoy and it will prove useful.

Phaleonopsis KS Happy Eagle X Princess Kailuani

Phaleonopsis KS Happy Eagle X Princess Kailuani is not a new hybrid to start. Firstly because it has been around since the KS Happy Eagle has been introduced in 2009 and taking the spotlight with a storm. But it is new in terms of novelty especially in Europe, mostly because it took a few years to get the first hybrids done and then to continue the work. But the hybrid didn't get a permanent name like so many others did. Why? Because genetics can be very tricky in terms of non clonned phalaeonopsis and the variability of the flowers meant there would be naming problems. But in the world of the orchid grower variability is a blessing.  I absolutely love this hybrid because of its variety, vigour and fragrance. Having two plants from a different batch I can say there is many differences in their size, leaf shape and so on. But each one of the sisters (heck because they are Princesses) is so different and the colours are so saturated they are quite difficult to capture by...