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Paphiopedilum orchid journal 26/062017

Orchid journal 06/2017

Rather late date to begin but better than never.

Paphiopedilum Claire de Lune
Seed Parent: Paphiopedilum Alma Gevaert
Pollen Parent: Paphiopedilum Emerald

After almost 5 years this is a beast of a plant. Specimen size worth every award. Every year has brought more and more fans.
Worth of noting that it thrives in both shade and moderate light(UK light exposure levels). At the current level it has over 25 to 30 fans in different stages of development.
Mottling shows itself beautifully however, it may be time for a 15cm pot or larger.
Worth of noting, it's sending a new flower spike. This will make it it's 6th flower within 7 month. Outstanding performance.

Paphiopedilum Varvara 'Penn Valley"
Paphiopedilum fairrieanum X Clair de Lune

Interesting plant, based on the literature nobody believed the cross could have such a result and there is a lot of doubt but genetics prove them wrong.

Purchased in Feb 2017 from an eBay seller, was really worried of it being a scam. Came out to be a very healthy plant.
Worth noting, the orchid hasn't bloomed before. So far it's growing really well in the mixture of bark, charcoal and Lechuza pon for aeration and drainage. Potted in the low ice cream pot. Plenty of new leafs. Brand new showing within the fan. Waiting to pinpoint blooming time. Possible late autumn or winter.

Paphiopedilum delenatii alba
Potted in the shallow rectangular ice cream pot with a mix of bark and pon seems to be doing well. New leaf coming out. Doesn't seem to mind the semi light shelf. Beautiful bright apple green mottled foliage.

Paphiopedilum delenatii semi vinivolor
Seems to be very vigorous and pulling through. New growths visible and getting bigger. Need to reply it asap. Will use the square low ice cream pot. Interesting dark foliage compared to the alba version.

Paphiopedilum L'ansonii
Paphiopedilum (Morganiae x rothschildianum)
Seems to be doing very well after the repot 3 months ago. The oldest growth is gorgeous and the mottling is outstanding. Beautiful even if just for the foliage. Currently it's in bark with pon and charcoal. Hoping to see spike in autumn.
Seems to like a morning bright condition.

Paphiopedilum Bidborough
Its turning into a uncontrollable weed. Seeing this much growth and how it doesn't mind the almost full sun conditions I am hoping to get at least two descent flowers this year. Three would be wishful thinking but anything is possible.

Paphiopedilum sukhakulii x lawrenceanum
After repotting in a new bark mix within a tall hydroponic pot it seems to have picked up. There is a brand new quickly developing growth and a flower spike, though it's been rather slow so far. My guess is that the extremely high temperatures in the past week halted the development. Current strategy is to leave the kitchen window open during the night for a temperature drop.
It had a positive influence so far. One of the flowers I am extremely happy to see.

Paphiopedilum lowii x greyii ang-thong
Very pleased with the recovery. It seems that repotting into a much more aerated and stoney mix with a better light exposition has done the trick. The root has stopped and the plant has stabilised. It's so good it actually grew new leaves and is doing another one now.

Paphiopedilum Nathaliel Gracia
This orchid baffles me. It's growing well. It has new young side growths. It likes the bright location. But it doesn't want too bloom. 9 leaves in the fan and still no sign. Worth noting.

Paphiopedilum Judge Philip.
After first throwback with the growth that started to decay now it's in a pristine condition. Yes the growth has died but it shoot another one which is huge in size now and may even produce flowers this year.

Paphiopedilum Rosy dawn
It seems this one has the most vigorous genes possible. Out of the one worryingly looking growth it now has 5 new growths and a good root system. It shows this hybrid is very strong and will jump back After stress. Largest growth may possibly launch a spike soon. Likes bright shade.

Paphiopedilum henryanum
Seems to be doing well in the light location. The well aerated mix is ok so far. It finally produced a new growth. Very happy about that. It will help the plant.


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