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The Paphiopedilum Wanted list - Rare and uncommon

Hello my dear readers!

Today I though I may introduce a list of paphiopedilum orchid hybrids which tend to be so rare or uncommon that I would like to send it out in the infinite expanse of the web - and perhaps with a bit of luck track some of them and get a seedling!

I would love to do a more estensive ID entry about each of them but because of the lack of materials, pictures and info it may take some time.

Paphiopedilum (Adilene Bobadilla x Honeycomb Creek)
Paphiopedilum Alabaster Brook 'Ruth'HCC/AOS
Paphiopedilum Alyssa 'Pink Snow'
Paphiopedilum Amanda 'Joyance'AM/AOS
Paphiopedilum (Amanda x White Legacy)'Perfection'
Paphiopedilum (Annette x Conco Bellatulum) 'Neon Orange'
Paphiopedilum Arctic Frost 'Galactic Storm'
Paphiopedilum Arctic Frost 'Winter Spirit'
Paphiopedilum Arctic Ice 'Winter Flurry'
Paphiopedilum Arctic Storm 'Pink Wind'
Paphiopedilum Assiniboine 'Maybrook'AM/AOS
Paphiopedilum Autumn Moon 'First Love'
Paphiopedilum Autumn Moon 'Poetry'

Paphiopedilum BellaLuna 'WhiteOut'

Paphiopedilum CarolinaMoon Delight

Paphiopedilum Cavalcade Beauty AM

Paphiopedilum ChoiceNight  'Constellation'

Paphiopedilum CupidsArrow BigBang

Paphiopedilum Demura'Plover'

Paphiopedilum DuskyMaiden 'Muriel' BCSA
Paphiopedilum DustyMiller' Dapple' AMRHS

Paphiopedilum DustyMiller 'Downlands' AMRHS

Paphiopedilum ElfinMoon 'RufflesAndLace'

Paphiopedilum Elfstone x niveum VirginSnow

Paphiopedilum EternalKingdom 'RedGalaxy'
Paphiopedilum FCPuddle 'Superbum'

Paphiopedilum Freckleface 'Wharton'

Paphiopedilum Freckles 'CreamPuff 'HCC

Paphiopedilum Freckles 'PinkDove' AM

Paphiopedilum Freckles Pinkie

Paphiopedilum Freckles SchoolBoy HCC

Paphiopedilum Freckles 'WhiteSaphire' HCC

Paphiopedilum Freckles Waldor

Paphiopedilum GreatExpectations 'AutumnLight'

Paphiopedilum GreatExpectations 'Ballerina' AM

Paphiopedilum GreatExpectations 'Dreamer'

Paphiopedilum GreatExpectations 'FirstLove'

Paphiopedilum GreatExpectations 'Galaxy'

Paphiopedilum GreatExpectations 'Loveliness'

Paphiopedilum GreatExpectations 'Princess'

Paphiopedilum GreatExpectations 'ShimmerDust' AM

Paphiopedilum GreatExpectations 'SnowMoon' B19WOC

Paphiopedilum GreatExpectations 'SummerSnow'

Paphiopedilum GreatExpectations 'Treasure'

Paphiopedilum GreatExpectations x Elfstone  FirstLove

Paphiopedilum GreenGlory 'GoldenTower' AM

PaphiopedilumGreenGlory 'SunSplash'
Paphiopedilum GreenMirror' EnchantedOrb'

Paphiopedilum GreenMirror 'MirrorMirror'

Pahiopedilum Greensuds 'WhiteFoam' HCC

Paphiopedilum HamaSnow 'Divinity'

Paphiopedilum HamaSnow 'SilverQueen'

Paphiopedilum HeavensGrace 'EnchantedMoon'

Paphiopedilum HeavensGrace 'Treasure' AM

Paphiopedilum Hellas 'LaBuenaTierraSunset'

Paphiopedilum Hellas 'Sunset' HCC

Paphiopedilum Hellas x ForeverMyLove Dreamdust

Paphiopedilum IncanTreasure' Quintessence'

Paphiopedilum InCharmBowlder 'Mesmerized'

Paphiopedilum JackTonk 'Robin' AM

Paphiopedilum JennaMarie 'Sparkle' AM 
Paphiopedilum KayRinaman x WhiteLegacy CinnamonSun
Paphiopedilum KilarneyGem 'ChocolateSoldier' HCC
 Paphiopedilum LadyClunas 'WhatcroftHall'

Paphiopedilum LadyLuck 'Bingo' HCC

Paphiopedilum LadyLuck 'RoyalFlush'

Paphiopedilum LadyLuck 'CinnamonSorbet'

Paphiopedilum LadyLuck' TrueLove' AM

Paphiopedilum LegacyMoon 'BohemianRhapsody'

Paphiopedilum LegacyMoon 'Mammoth'

Paphiopedilum LegacyMoon 'PeachParfait'

Paphiopedilum LegacysChild 'FairyDust' A

Paphiopedilum LegacysChild 'PinkMoon'

Paphiopedilum leucochilum x CenterpiecexGreyi StarPower

Paphiopedilum LuminaryPinkWings

Paphiopedilum Lunacy 'CreamDream'

Paphiopedilum LunacySanCarlos

Paphiopedilum MagicGlacier 'MoonMaiden' HCC

Paphiopedilum MemRoseMarieGlanz

Paphiopedilum MillersStar  'SpringLove'

Paphiopedilum Moonface 'Keeper' HCC

Paphiopedilum MovingLights x Windroeschen BlushingBride

Paphiopedilum PacificOcean 'Terry' AM

Paphiopedilum Pavaday 'Coromandel'

Paphiopedilum PerfectStorm 'Powerhouse'

Paphiopedilum PeterBlack 'Emerald' AM

Paphiopedilum PinkParadiseEverlasting

Paphiopedilum PinkSunset 'DesertSky'

Paphiopedilum PorcelainSky 'DawningLight'

Paphiopedilum PorcelainTreasure 'DreamGirl' HCC

Paphiopedilum PorcelainTreasure 'PinkPearl'

Paphiopedilum Psyllian GoldenGift AM

Paphiopedilum RuthWright x WhiteLegacy Fantasy

Paphiopedilum SnowbirdOpalescence

Paphiopedilum Snowblind 'AngelicLight'

Paphiopedilum SnowBunny' Flurry'

Paphiopedilum SnowBunny 'ShiningLight'

Paphiopedilum SnowCharm 'Delight' AM

Paphiopedilum Snowdance 'Avalanche' am

Paphiopedilum Snowdance 'DustStorm'

Paphiopedilum Snowdance Tranquility

Paphiopedilum SnowDancer 'GoldDust' AM

Paphiopedilum SnowDancer 'MilkyWay'

Paphiopedilum SnowDancer 'PinkTapestry'

Paphiopedilum SnowDancer 'SpotOn'

Paphiopedilum SnowdomeBalerina

Paphiopedilum SnowGlory A

Paphiopedilum SnowGloryC

Paphiopedilum SnowGloryPurity
Paphiopedilum SnowSaint Dreamer

Paphiopedilum SnowSaint Powerhouse

Paphiopedilum SpotMatrix Coro
Paphiopedilum SummerFrost Peaches 'N Cream

Paphiopedilum SummerFrost RaspberryRage

Paphiopedilum SusanTuckBertsch

Paphiopedilum SusanTuckerWC

Paphiopedilum ThunderDome Gargantua

Paphiopedilum TomasGarciaMex

Paphiopedilum TripleDiamonds PeachParfait

Paphiopedilum ValleyGirl  HighIntensity

Paphiopedilum VanNessLillian

Paphiopedilum ViaDelSol x ViaOro SolarBlast

Paphiopedilum ViaMuchosNinos x WhiteSaint WinterDream

Paphiopedilum ViaOjai JimsPride

Paphiopedilum ViaOjai SpringWhite HCC

Paphiopedilum ViaSantaTerMoon

Paphiopedilum VictoriasSong SummerFrost

Paphiopedilum VirginSaint FirstLove HCC

Paphiopedilum Virgin Saint WinterSnow

Paphiopedilum WhartonSinkler WinterMist AM

Paphiopedilum WhiteCastle DistantGalaxy

Paphiopedilum WhiteEclipse Glacier

Paphiopedilum WhiteEclipse Magic

Paphiopedilum WhiteEclipse WhiteOut

Paphiopedilum WhiteGalaxy ChiffonDream

Paphiopedilum WhiteGalaxy MysteryLady

Paphiopedilum WhiteGalaxy PastelMoon

Paphiopedilum WhiteKnightVirginS

Paphiopedilum WhiteLynx x CottonBall PinkFrost

Paphiopedilum WhiteVictory PastelSnow

Paphiopedilum WhiteStormSanCarlos

Paphiopedilum WinterStar Starlight


Some pictures presented in this article may not belong to me and are a property of their respectable owners.


  1. Marriott Orchids has the Paph Dusty Miller

  2. I am Hadley Cash, owner of Marriott Orchids. Nearly every photo used on this website are copyrighted and taken from my personal website at . No permission for their use was asked for or given. It is not just a travesty... it is illegal. It is gratifying that so very few responses to this blog site have been given!


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